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Property based funds can deliver a competitive income in a low interest rate environment as part of a diversified portfolio, a genuine alternative to more traditional asset classes.

Australia’s mortgage trust sector has long been popular with investors looking for competitive investment income as part of a diversified portfolio. In 2020, as economic uncertainty has soared and returns from investments such as dividends and bank savings have continued to shrink, the sector has provided a genuine alternative. The mortgage trust sector has enjoyed substantial growth in recent times according to SQM Research’s 2020 Mortgage Trust Sector Review and at this time is managing the impacts of COVID-19 well, thanks to continued investor support and Australian investors’ faith in the property market.

Understand how our flagship Trilogy Monthly Income Fund works

Trilogy Monthly Income Trust 

The Trilogy Monthly Income Trust is a pooled mortgage fund that lends to the Australian property development & construction sector. The loan portfolio is secured by registered first mortgages over property and is proactively managed by our expert lending team, providing investors a competitive income and portfolio diversification.

The Trust recently paid investors a monthly distribution equivalent to 6.15%p.a.* for March 2021.

Minimum investment

Investment strategy
Source loans, secured by registered first mortgages over Australian property along the eastern seaboard of Australia with the aim of providing investors with a monthly income.

Distribution frequency
Aims to pay monthly

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Interested in learning more about Trilogy’s income focused products?

Fill out the form below and Wyatt Leonard, our dedicated Business Development Manager for SMSF Trustees and Investors will be in touch with more information.

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Wyatt Investor Relations Specialist

Wyatt Leonard

Business Development Manager

*Net distributions are variable each month and are quoted net of management fees, costs and assume no reinvestment.  Distributions are calculated daily and paid monthly in arrears. Please note, past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Trilogy Monthly Income Trust (Trust) ARSN 121 846 722 is a registered managed investment scheme of which Trilogy Funds Management Limited (Trilogy) ABN 59 080 383 (Trilogy) is the responsible entity and issuer of units and is offered under the PDS dated 17 December 2018, available via www.trilogyfunds.com.au.

Applications will only be accepted on the current application form that accompanies the PDS. You should obtain a copy of the PDS, understand the risks, and seek personal advice from a licensed Financial Adviser before investing. Please read the relevant PDS in full. Investors may lose part or all of their capital and there may be periods where returns are diminished. Investments in Trilogy’s products are not bank deposits and are not government guaranteed.

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