5 minutes with our Head of Lending, Clinton Arentz

We were thrilled to recently partner with The Adviser as sponsors of their SME Broker Bootcamp.

Held in February across Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, it was billed as a ‘must-attend’ event for brokers seeking a deeper understanding of the lucrative SME market in Australia and how to expand their product offering to grow their business.

Our Head of Lending and Property Assets, Clinton Arentz featured as a panellist in the session ‘Alternative product roadmap – Learn the solutions you can provide to help SMEs thrive’.

The session took a deep dive into knowing your options when it comes to financial products and solutions and how they can work for your individual clients’ needs.

Weren’t able to join or would like to listen again? We’ve got you covered. Read a summary of what Clinton had to say below.

5 minutes with our Head of Lending Clinton Arentz | Trilogy Funds

Who is Trilogy Funds?

Trilogy Funds is one of Australia’s largest non-bank lenders providing property development and construction finance to the residential, commercial, industrial, and retail property sectors in Australia.

We do this by raising investor capital and pooling those funds to provide loans for property development and construction projects across Australia.

Trilogy Funds was established over 24 years ago by co-founder and current Managing Director, Philip Ryan, who was partner in a law firm associated with a fund management company managing mortgages and property assets.

Philip recognised the potential the sector provided for investment and, in 2004, he joined with Rodger Bacon and John Barry, who both had decades of success in the financial sector, to combine their experience and joint passion for property and managed funds to create Trilogy Funds.

Wanting to learn more?

About us

Which types of projects do you provide funding for?

Trilogy Funds began by providing construction finance for smaller projects such as small-scale land sub-divisions and small construction projects such as duplexes, apartment buildings.

As we’ve grown, we’ve expanded our product offering to include larger-scale projects such as NDIS and commercial and industrial projects.

We now provide construction and property development financing solutions ranging all the way from $3 to $40 million to the residential, commercial, industrial, and retail property sectors.


Do you lend to 2nd and 3rd mortgages, or provide mezzanine finance?

Our investment product which provides the majority of the funds, the Trilogy Monthly Income Trust, was set up to secure the debt piece by first registered mortgages only.

However, we have strategic relationships with other financiers who can provide those financing solutions, or we can work with brokers and developers to help structure that solution.


What is your key point of difference?

One of our key points of difference is our personal service.

At Trilogy Funds, we understand what’s required to help your clients get the best project outcomes and are focused on providing a construction finance solution that is tailored to the client and their project.

We’re much more approachable and accessible than you’d expect from a financier. Just ask the question!

Contact our Lending Team today


How many projects are you currently providing funding for?

As at 28 February 2022, our loan book (by approved value) has at a total approved loan amount of $674.29 million. It comprised 136 loans with an average approved loan amount of $4.96 million.


What’s the geographic spread of these projects?

Trilogy Funds currently lends across the Eastern seaboard of Australia with loans in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. As we continue to grow, we anticipate this will expand to a national focus.

Below is a breakdown of our loan book by geographic spread and loan type as at 28 February 2022.

Trilogy Monthly Income Trust Geographic Spread as at 28 February 2022 | Trilogy Funds
Trilogy Monthly Income Trust Loan Diversity as at 28 February 2022 | Trilogy Funds

^All figures are based on unaudited figures as at 28 February 2022 and may be subject to change. Some figures are rounded to the nearest percent.

These loans aren’t just in capital cities, they are diversified across a range of locations including inner city, middle ring and regional areas.

We closely follow the growth trends and welcome enquiries for all areas.


Do you work with commercial mortgage brokers?

Absolutely! Brokers are our primary source of new and repeat business, so we always welcome enquiries from them.

Brokers are able to set their own fee arrangements and we’ll help facilitate that by providing helpful resources, such as a term sheet, which they can take back and discuss with their client.


How should brokers or developers enquire?

With a focus on personalised service, our Lending team is here to help and each portfolio manager aims to provide an approachable and user-friendly interaction for however you’d like to get in touch.

You can call us on 1800 230 099, email lending@trilogyfunds.com.au or visit our website to learn more or express your interest.

Ready to get started?

Contact us  Learn more

This article has been prepared for existing and prospective borrowers and brokers and provides information only about Trilogy Funds’ lending services. Trilogy Funds Management Limited ABN 59 080 383 679 AFSL 261425 is not a licensed credit provider and does not make loans regulated by the National Credit Code. The source of Trilogy Funds Management Limited’s loans may include managed investments schemes registered with ASIC, as well as other private lending arrangements with high-net-worth investors. If you would like more details on our investment opportunities, please contact us.

This article is issued by Trilogy Funds Management Limited ABN 59 080 383 679 AFSL 261425 (Trilogy Funds) as responsible entity for the Trilogy Monthly Income Trust ARSN 121 846 722. Application for investment can only be made on the application form accompanying the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) dated 17 December 2018 and by considering the Target Market Determination (TMD) dated 1 October 2021 for the Trilogy Monthly Income Trust ARSN 121 846 722 available at www.trilogyfunds.com.au. The PDS and the TMD contain full details of the terms and conditions of investment and should be read in full, particularly the risk section, prior to lodging any application or making a further investment. All investments, including those with Trilogy Funds, involve risk which can lead to loss of part or all of your capital or diminished returns. Trilogy Funds is licensed to provide only general financial product advice about its products and therefore recommends you seek personal advice on the suitability of this investment to your objectives, financial situation and needs from a licensed financial adviser. Investments with Trilogy Funds are not bank deposits and are not government guaranteed. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

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