As one of Australia’s leading fund managers of property-based investments, Trilogy’s success can be attributed to the guidance of our executive team which boasts decades of experience in investment, property and financial services.

Rodger Bacon, our co-founder and Executive Deputy Chairman, is one of the industry leaders behind Trilogy’s success. With over 40 years’ experience across the financial services industry, and a successful career establishing and growing high-performing businesses, Rodger shares his wealth of knowledge with the Trilogy team and is responsible for the oversight of the company’s strategic goals.

We sat down with Rodger to discuss the journey that led him to where he is today, the most valuable industry lessons he’s learnt and how he adds value for our investors, borrowers and clients.

Tell us about your career history that has led you to where you are today.

Rodger Bacon: I’ve had ‘three lives’, all of which have been in the financial services industry in Australia and abroad.

My passion for property and finance began in my ‘first life’ when I worked for the UK based-investment banking company, Schroder Merchant Bank Group. I was fresh out of university on the learning curve and, over 15 years, moved through key business units. During my time there, I was involved in all aspects of fund management including domestic and foreign fixed interest, direct property portfolios, management of equities, research and analysis and corporate finance. It was very enlightening and taught me a lot.

My ‘second life’ was at Challenger Financial, and that was even more exciting. There was a lot of innovation going on in the marketplace at the time and we worked alongside Bill Ireland who was a very creative operator – and still is. As a founder and Executive Director, I worked on the establishment of multiple ASX listed financial services products, helped to develop a property portfolio worth more than $2.7 billion, a mortgage book with funds exceeding $3 billion funds under management, and helped establish and grow Challenger Annuities to capture 30% of annuities sales in Australia.

I stayed at Challenger for 15 years until it was, in effect, taken over by the Packer family group.  That raised the opportunity to follow my own passions and create what is now Trilogy.


As a co-founder of Trilogy, what was your aim when creating the company?

Rodger Bacon: Our motivation for creating Trilogy comes back to having a passion and desire to build something. When John Barry,  David Hogan and I left Challenger, and along with Philip Ryan, we saw an opportunity in the market to generate income from investments that use mortgages as a security.


What is your greatest achievement to date?

Rodger Bacon: I don’t often think about achievements in that way but I’m proud I can look back and say that we put this thing called Trilogy together and made it into what it is today, despite challenges like the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). Our ability to successfully navigate through the GFC with a lot of care, dedication and hard work, has added strength to the business.

While COVID-19 has challenged everyone this year, we have experience in dealing with difficult stages in the marketplace. With each challenge we overcome, more strength is added to Trilogy, its people and its achievements. I’m proud to be part of a team that has successfully worked through the uncertainty of this year and ensured we are in a good position as a company and for our investors and borrowers.


How do you use your extensive experience to add value for investors, borrowers and clients?

Rodger Bacon: Over my 40 plus years in the industry, you could say I’ve had a fair deal of experience in relevant parts of the business. It’s quite simply allowed me to bring that knowledge to bear wherever necessary at Trilogy. To be the voice of reason and provide valuable insight to help with any ideas, issues or tasks that crop up. I really enjoy working with people across all parts of our business with different levels of experience and different ideas. It is very fulfilling to be able to provide some guidance but also learn from them.


What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learnt over your 40 years in the industry?

Rodger Bacon: The most valuable industry lesson that I’ve learnt is about working with people. People and their actions are what creates value. If you get ‘people’ right, then a lot of business will flow from that – it’s so important.


What key piece(s) of advice would you give to those beginning their journey in investment, property and/or finance?

Rodger Bacon: I’d emphasise the importance of education. When you combine knowledge with experience and skill, you get a very potent result. So, don’t hesitate to add to your credentials, it’ll pay off in spades.

This article is issued by Trilogy Funds Management Limited ACN 080 383 679 AFSL 261425 (Trilogy) and does not take into account your objectives, personal circumstances or needs, nor is it an offer of securities. Investments in Trilogy’s products are only available through the relevant PDS issued by Trilogy and available at All investments, including those with Trilogy, involve risk which can lead to loss of part or all of your capital or diminished returns. Investments with Trilogy are not bank deposits and are not government guaranteed.

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