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Right to receive documents

Notice of Unitholders’ Rights Under s110K of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)

Trilogy Funds Management Limited (Trilogy Funds), as a responsible entity of registered management investments schemes (Schemes), is required to send certain documents to unitholders and give notice pursuant to section 110K of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) of the rights of members of the Schemes (Unitholders). These documents are:

  • documents that relate to unitholder meetings;
  • annual financial reports; and
  • other documents that may be prescribed by the relevant regulations.

Each Unitholder has the right to:

  • elect to receive all or some of their documents in physical or electronic form by notifying us of their preference;
  • elect not to receive the annual report for the registered managed investment scheme they have invested in; and
  • make ad hoc requests to be sent a particular document in physical or electronic form.

Trilogy Funds’ preference is to send documents relating to the Schemes electronically via email to ensure we can communicate with Unitholders quickly and efficiently. However, to make an election about your communication preference, please contact Trilogy Funds via one of the following communication methods:

to investorrelations@trilogyfunds.com.au or post to Trilogy Funds Management Limited GPO Box 1648, BRISBANE QLD 4001;

If you do not wish to change your existing communication preference, no action is required in response to this notice and Trilogy Funds will continue to send you documents in accordance with your communication preference.

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